Useful PIA Servlet Directives

By Chris Malek | Wed, Oct 13, 2010

There are several “hidden” PIA servlet commands that can be used to perform several key actions when maintaining a PIA webserver. The “pwd” parameter comes from the custom tab on the web profile configuration page. The default value is “dayoff”. The easiest way to get the correct URL is to visit your login page and then insert the disired “cmd” value.

Note: These are case sensitive.

Recache the Web Profile


reloadconfig option was removed by Oracle for security reasons. See “Peoplesoft Servlet Directives Web Profile Reload Config Not Working After PT 8.52.19 Upgrade (Doc ID 1615594.1)”.

View the cached Web Profile values


Purges webserver memory cache (portal registry, etc.)


Display current session properties


Cache Control Center

This allows you to do all sorts of things with your web cache (8.45+ only)


To Reset Timeout


Displays cached node URIs\

Note: I can never get this one to work.


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Chris Malek

Chris Malek is a PeopleTools® Technical Consultant with two decades of experience working on PeopleSoft enterprise software projects. He is available for consulting engagements.

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